P-05-754 Lack of support for children with disabilities at crisis (the is a crisis team but do not support children with disabilities)

This petition was submitted by Rebecca Weale and was first considered in June 2017, having collected 200 signatures.

Text of the Petition

I am trying to highlight the need for the Cwm Taf children's crisis team to recognise there is a vital need for children with disabilities to be supported through crisis and have the right to be treated as any other child would.

I am a mother of four children, my middle son Tom has numerous needs, severe learning difficulties, autism, a mood disorder as well as other additional health issues. Tom hits a crisis point every now and again. Which involves increase in aggression, shouting louder than usual, hurting himself as well as others, as well as many other changes in behaviour. Tom has extremely limited communication skills and is unable to tell us what is wrong or what we can do to help. We have been at crisis point with Tom who is now 15yrs old and on high doses of medications, many times over the years and it's astonishing how things have not progressed with regards to support for children with disabilities while at crisis. Tom is currently at a crisis point and has been for some time. We as a family have had very little if any support to help him through this difficult period. I have been made aware there is a children's crisis team however they do not support children with disabilities! Surely a child at crisis no matter if they have disabilities or not, is still a child at crisis. In fact I may be wrong but in some cases may need more crisis support. I can not believe at this day in age this divide is still exceptable. I am trying to highlight the need for the Cwm Taf children's crisis team to recognise there is a vitial need for children with disabilities to be supported through crisis and have the right to be treated as any other child would.

Assembly Constituency and Region.

·         Merthyr Tydfil and Rhymney

·         South Wales East